Apply for Five Stars

Florida Quest for Quality Maternity Care Award Application – Five Star

For your convenience each form is provided in PDF Fillable format so it can be easily downloaded to your computer and then filled for submission. For best results using the fillable format we recommend using the Adobe Acrobat Reader software. To download the Adobe Reader software for FREE go to or cut and paste the URL in your browser. In the event the software is not downloadable, printing and completing the forms manually is acceptable.  
To avoid delays with your application feel free to use our application checklist to verify you have all the required documents. For questions regarding the application process email us at

Steps to apply for your Florida Quality Maternity Care Award

Step 1

Print, open or download your application by clicking HERE.

Step 2

Complete the application.

Step 3

Email the application with supportive documents to

Thank you for your hard efforts and support of breastfeeding friendly birthing facilities.

Please allow a couple of weeks to hear back from Florida Breastfeeding Coalition regarding your application upon submission!